Friday, March 27, 2020

What are the MBA Tutor Salary and What Can You Expect?

What are the MBA Tutor Salary and What Can You Expect?Why is the cost of an MBA tutor salary so high? Although one might assume that the market for MBA tutors is open to everyone, the truth is that there are limited opportunities for those with an MBA in their background. This could be a deterrent to potential candidates.The years of training and experience can often be worn down by the amount of time needed to earn a living in the profession. There are a number of jobs in the private sector that offer this type of work, but they may be quite challenging for someone who has the time and knowledge to do this kind of work. Many who have had to struggle with these careers in the past may find this an appropriate challenge to enter into an MBA program.Although the economy is slowly recovering, the number of positions available in education is currently less than half what it was two years ago. To fill these positions, employers are getting creative. They are outsourcing work, setting up programs with regional schools or hiring local students who specialize in specific subjects. This could explain why some people think that tutoring jobs in higher education will remain scarce.In order to fill positions, companies are required to pay more than a full tuition rate to an MBA tutor. The extent of this pay can vary, but typically is between five thousand dollars to seventy-five thousand dollars per year. Even more than this, the typical salary for a full time tutor is in the six figures.When compared to other jobs in education, the role of an MBA tutor is relatively low in demand, thus making the MBA tutor salary relatively higher. Some employers may be willing to hire someone who has extensive experience in this field, because it puts them ahead of the competition.The cost of an MBA tutor salary in comparison to other similar positions is due to the higher level of specialization that a teacher has. They are more likely to teach a specialty, such as accounting, marketin g, leadership or international relations. Because of this, it makes sense that they make more money.There are large numbers of people looking for jobs in the private sector, but fewer options are available for those without the proper skills. If this is you, a more direct route is to look at schools that offer a specialized degree in the area of your interest, or to find a school that has a specific program that you can join after you complete your MBA.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Five Tips to Help Your Teen Be Successful

Five Tips to Help Your Teen Be Successful Oradell, NJ When your child starts kindergarten, college and the real world probably seem ages away. But those 12 years go quickly, and the preparation for life should begin sooner than later. Eileen Huntington of Huntington Learning Center explains that while school is obviously very important, there are many aptitudes beyond the academic that children will need for college and life. As a parent, your goal should be to equip your child with life skills that he or she will use forever, she says. Academic abilities are essential, but there is so much more that your child needs. Huntington offers several tips on how parents can get their children ready for a successful life after high school: Teach them basic money management skills. An allowance is a great way to get children to grasp the concept of earning and accumulating money from a young age. Make sure you give your child opportunities to understand the value of money as well. Talk about what it means to earn a living and live within your means. When you go to the grocery store, bring your child along to comparison shop brands and items. Establish a family budget and show your child how you manage your income and expenses to it and save for various things. Talk careers early and often. Its never too early for parents to start asking their children what type of career sound interesting. Encourage your child to talk with the adults in his or her life about how they got to where they are. As your child gets closer to high school, do research together on what strengths (academic and otherwise) might translate into different career possibilities. Dont solve your childs problems. Life and school have ups and downs. Children need to know how to approach problems methodically and with confidence and optimism. Be there to support your child, but dont step in and fix problems. Encourage your child to take responsibility and ownership for schooland all that comes with it. Teach your child how to think critically. In everyday conversation, parents can teach their children to be curious and inquisitive. Invite your child to share with you how he or she analyzes problems and comes up with a variety of alternate solutions. When your child shows you homework, ask how your child came up with answers and what steps were taken to get there. Show your child how to be resourceful. In college and the real world, people are expected to figure things out sometimes. Your child will often be faced with periods of uncertainty and times when he or she is asked to do something completely new. Help your child nurture this ability by encouraging perseverance through challenges and creativity when one attempt is unsuccessful. Support your child as a well-rounded person, says Huntington. Vital life skills like problem-solving and creativity will take your child further in life than many other things. For more tips on how to support your child as he or she navigates school and builds independence as a learner and person, call Huntington at 1-800 CAN LEARN.

Summertime Friends

Summertime Friends Kids with ADHD often struggle with friendships during the school year. They may have a hard time picking up on social cues, initiating and maintaining conversations, being empathetic toward their peers, and staying calm when they feel frustrated or offended. As a result, research shows that kids with ADHD are more likely to have conflicts with their classmates or be ignored and overlooked by their peers. These social patterns can be hard to break especially when kids are interacting with the same group of classmates day after day and year after year. Summer provides a fresh start for friendships. Meeting new kids in a new setting is sometimes all it takes to get summer friendships off to a good start. As a parent, there are things you can do to help set your child up for success so they can make the most of their fresh start this summer. Teach friendship skills. Talk to your child about what it takes to make a new friend. Kids with ADHD often need to learn social skills, the same way that they need to learn skills in order to read or play a sport. Coach your child on ways to start a conversation, join a group, and be a good sport during games and activities. Role play these skills with your child, and prompt them to use these skills when you observe them playing with other kids. At the end of this post Ive included a few simple steps to help you get started. Encourage playdates and get-togethers. Studies show that kids who invite their peers to do fun activities are better liked than kids who dont offer invitations. So, help your child think of fun activities that they can do and help them invite their new friend along. Activities can be something as simple as going to the playground for a few minutes at the end of the day, or a bigger activity like a playdate at home or a trip to the movies. Get help from summer program counselors, educators, and coaches. Kids with ADHD often need support throughout the day to make and maintain new friendships. Talk to your childs counselors, tutors, and coaches about the skills that youre working on with your child. Let them know that your child could use some extra support when it comes to making new friends. You can even ask one or two summer staff members if theyd be willing to try out the coaching tips included in this blog. Youll likely be surprised by how willing people are to help your child make new friends. Enroll your child in activities that allow them to shine. The demands of the school year can make it hard for a child with ADHD to feel confident academically and socially. Capitalize on summers flexibility by enrolling your child in the activities that he or she feels most confident about and enjoys the most. This confidence will naturally carry over into their interactions with new friends who share the same interests. Boost confidence by building academic skills. Enroll your child in group tutoring and academic programs over the summer, in addition to fun activities. Theyll meet other kids like them and will have an opportunity to see that theyre not the only one who needs a little extra help to keep up at school. Theyre bound to enjoy and even look-up to some of these kids, and will learn that even cool kids struggle sometimes. These sessions also provide an opportunity for your child to practice conversation and good sportsmanship skills, and they can invite classmates to join them for activities outside of class. And the biggest benefit? Theyll be learning academic skills that will put them ahead when school starts in the fall. Hows that for a confidence booster! Perhaps more than any other issue, parents of kids with ADHD worry the most about their child making and keeping friends. Summertime can be a great chance for your child to hit the reset button and create strong friendships with kids who share their same interests. Seize theopportunity, practice some of the tips included here, and you might just see your child blossom this summer. PARENT COACHING TIPSKeys to Good Conversations Make eye contact. Ask questions about something you think the other person might be interested in. Give the other person a chance to talk (try not to be a conversation hog!). Keep the conversation going. Share something about yourself thats on-topic, or ask another on-topic question. ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Daohe Education

Daohe Education Daohe Education In 1996, Daohe Academy started in Taiwan, where it is regarded as one of the top experimental schools. Its first Mainland China branch will open its doors in September 2018. The schools curriculum is based around the 24 solar terms of the Lunar Calendar and an adapted mixture of the Six Ancient Arts: Rites/Etiquette (?), Music (?), Archery (?), Charioteering (?), Calligraphy (?) Mathematics (?) and the later Four Arts of zither playing, the Game of Go, calligraphy, and painting. Experiential education and the natural world will be the focus of this cosmopolitan school located in one of Guangzhous prime neighborhoods. A multi-generational program that serves not only students of age 0-6, but also their parents and grandparents, is the part of our school that we call The Three-Generation Academy. The Three Generation Academy is a home away from home combining education, culture, arts and crafts into a daily life aesthetic. It provides a spiritual space where all three generations of the family can live, learn, and enjoy the beauty of life together. It also offers a place for the entire family to cultivate themselves, so as to learn how to better care for their own households. At Daohe Academy, filial piety is regarded as the foundation of benevolence and righteousness. Once established, this foundation gives rise to a way of life by which we can experience and confirm the richness and sufficiency to be found in living harmoniously with all life. As Mencius said, A gentleman first shows affection for his kin, then benevolence toward other people and finally care for all things. In such a society, things are received in a timely manner and used in an economical fashion, and when all things are in order, interpersonal harmony can be achieved. In such a truthful environment, we h onor the elderly as we would our aged parents, and care for children as if they were our own. We establish ourselves and help others to do the same. We achieve expertise, while helping others to excel. We do not do to others what we would not want them to do unto us. Daohe Academy Kindergarten in Guangzhou cultivates a family atmosphere and is looking for strong professionals, who love being with small children and will treat them as they would their own. We want our students to be knocking at the door to get in and reluctant to leave when the sun goes down. Only the happy student learns well. Our unique philosophy envisions an activity-based education where there is balanced development of mind, body, and spirit. Stress on using the five senses and bodily-kinesthetic learning to experience and do, rather than be told or sit and listen, is central to our daily program. We eschew the focus on memorization, rote activity, and performance that has come to dominate modern education. Or multivariate educational and cultural space and resources expose children and their families to creative industry and imagination, right down to the design of our school as a village replete with a garden. The curriculum covers a wide range of subjects, including art, health, games, music, work, languages, agriculture, and nature. In particular, we stress the ethics of integrity, virtue, and wisdom. Love, nature, and beauty are our core values. Students learn a work ethic, patience, and gratitude by sowing seeds; Daohe has two decades of experience sowing the seeds of mirth and wonder in our youth. Whether making mooncakes for Mid-Autumn Festival or zongzi for Dragon Boat Festival, our students engage in constant celebration of the rhythms of weather, seasons, and culture. At Daohe teaching materials must be realia taken from nature, not bought at the store; we dont use flash cards. We subscribe to a no tangible rewards system (e.g., no food or stickers, but smiles, hugs, and verbal reinforcement encouraged). Papermaking, natural dyeing, pottery, ceramics, singing, and painting workshops, among much else, will be offered to students, staff, and families.

Abroad International School

Abroad International School Abroad International School A very warm welcome to Abroad International School. We provide an English-based comprehensive education which follows the Cambridge and UK National curriculum. We maintain a low student to teacher ratio allowing for a strong student teacher relationships and a variety of extra-curricular activities. At the Primary School, we aim to make children confident and independent learners. We provide many opportunities for students to demonstrate what they have learned. Learning at AIS is generally inquiry-based, where students are encouraged to identify pertinent questions and construct well-informed answers Early Learning Centre (ELC) is for children of ages three through five. We recognize all children are entitled to a best start in life and support to achieve their potential. A childs experience has a vital impact on his/her future life chances, so we do our best to provide them with a safe, happy and secure learning environment. Mission Statement: Our mission is to develop each student into bilingual, knowledgeable, compassionate and inquiring people who are ready to entertain new ideas and sensitive to national values as well as being respectful to foreign cultures by providing an outstanding international education for overall success in a caring, peaceful and courageous environment from early years through to university entrance.

Feeling at home while abroad

Feeling at home while abroad By Thiago SilvaSo you’ve arrived. After months of preparation, interviews, and a long-haul flight, you are ready to explore your host country and its culture. While everything will look and sound exotic, soon enough, this will be the place you call home for the next one, two, or three years. But what exactly does it mean to feel “right at home”?Different people might have different definitions of “home”. To some, home is where your friends and family are; to others, it’s where you’ve decided to set down some roots. For teachers living and teaching overseas, home can simply be the place where you currently live, where your (physical) heart is.So what if when you got home today your couch was no longer there, or maybe your favourite blanket had disappeared all of a sudden? When you start off in a new country one of the first things you will be doing is setting up your home, the place where you will want to come back to at the end of the day, and this place has to say “h ome” to you. Otherwise it’s just like a hotel room and you will be longing for home every day of your stay abroad.Start off by bringing something with you from your “old” home. It doesn’t have to be your favourite recliner or a 50” screen TV, but a small item like a stuffed animal or a jewelry box could do the trick. Pictures of loved ones and your favourite tunes will also help you settle in to your new home and make it a more comfortable place.Once you have all your special personal tokens, it’s time to arrange your apartment to your liking. If placed in a furnished apartment, don’t be afraid to rearrange the furniture so it suits your needs. If you have to buy your own furniture, you may consider looking for used items since you won’t be living in the apartment for a long time. Check with other teachers at your school, as someone might be going home and selling a lot of household items cheaply. The Teach Away Community page is a good place to start, as many teac hers are active on the page.Whatever your destination, make sure that once you arrive, you make an effort to think of your new surroundings as “home”.Thiago Silva is the  Teach Away  blogger.

New version of!

New version of! Today a new version of italki went live!   There have been many changes to the layout, design, navigation, and features of italki.   A couple of changes wed like to highlight are to Answers and the Language Index. Answers When you ask a question, you will be able to add additional information to clarify your question; however, you can not edit your original question.   While the question is still open (ie within 14days of initially being asked, with no best answer having been chosen), respondents can edit their answer.   This may help respondents more accurately answer the question after it has been clarified by the asker. Members can also now vote as to whether questions as related to language learning or not related.   Three votes indicating its related to language learning will move it into a category of Educational questions.   Members can then decide if they only want to see educational questions related to language learning.   We hope this will help those who are focused on language studies more easily access relevant questions, while giving others a chance to ask cultural and similar questions on the side. There is now a quick Ask a question box on the right side of every Answers page, so you can ask questions more quickly and easily. Language Index The language index page for each language is now a one-stop shop for everything related to that language.   Weve aggregated all the different pages and put them in each languages index page.   That includes self-study resources like: podcasts, videos, documents, websites, and Knowledge, as well as interactive resources like: language partners, teachers, groups and answers.   You can still post on the blackboard of that language, too. The new Podcasts and Videos tabs makes it much easier and quicker to find and share multimedia resources for learning that language. Start browsing around the most recent version of italki to get an idea of the new features and layout, then tell us what you think.   We encourage you to send your feedback on these or any other features youd like to see to or leave a message on our Contact Us page. Were always looking for new ideas to make italki better. New version of! Today a new version of italki went live!   There have been many changes to the layout, design, navigation, and features of italki.   A couple of changes wed like to highlight are to Answers and the Language Index. Answers When you ask a question, you will be able to add additional information to clarify your question; however, you can not edit your original question.   While the question is still open (ie within 14days of initially being asked, with no best answer having been chosen), respondents can edit their answer.   This may help respondents more accurately answer the question after it has been clarified by the asker. Members can also now vote as to whether questions as related to language learning or not related.   Three votes indicating its related to language learning will move it into a category of Educational questions.   Members can then decide if they only want to see educational questions related to language learning.   We hope this will help those who are focused on language studies more easily access relevant questions, while giving others a chance to ask cultural and similar questions on the side. There is now a quick Ask a question box on the right side of every Answers page, so you can ask questions more quickly and easily. Language Index The language index page for each language is now a one-stop shop for everything related to that language.   Weve aggregated all the different pages and put them in each languages index page.   That includes self-study resources like: podcasts, videos, documents, websites, and Knowledge, as well as interactive resources like: language partners, teachers, groups and answers.   You can still post on the blackboard of that language, too. The new Podcasts and Videos tabs makes it much easier and quicker to find and share multimedia resources for learning that language. Start browsing around the most recent version of italki to get an idea of the new features and layout, then tell us what you think.   We encourage you to send your feedback on these or any other features youd like to see to or leave a message on our Contact Us page. Were always looking for new ideas to make italki better.